Career Planning

The best way to achieve a successful and enjoyable career is by research and planning. We all have the chance to choose what we want to do for the rest of our lives. Use this section of the website to help plan your career and future.

Career planning is what you do when you’re thinking about a new career or you’d like to progress in the career you are in. You might be wanting to make a complete change or just improve where you are at the moment. Planning needs time, as there are several things to consider. When you are planning, you need to think about:

  • What you can do already?
  • What you’d like to do next?
  • What else you need to learn?


Use the following links to help you plan your career:

  • START provides structured and progressive activities to help you make informed choices about future study and contains quizzes to help match suggested careers to your skills and interests
  • Take a Buzz Quiz to find out what careers may suit your personality
  •  If you have found some careers you are interested in, click HERE to find out the skills and qualifications needed to get into that job, what the work would be like, the pay you could expect and what the career prospects are. 


In Year 11, you will have an individual Career Guidance Interview with Mrs Stevenson. Together you will create an electronic action plan which will be shared with you, your parents, your form tutor and the pastoral team. Career Action planning involves setting targets for yourself and deciding how you will achieve them. It involves making decisions and planning your future. You need to become focused and think about what sort of work you want to do and will be able to do. An action plan will help you to:

  • Take a step-by-step approach to plan for your future
  • Take responsibility for your future
  • Develop useful skills, like making decisions
  • Think about and assess yourself
  • Make a record of your achievements
  • Apply for jobs, courses or further education
  • Recognise your achievements


Use the different sections of the School Careers pages to find information, advice and guidance relevant to where you are in your education journey.

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