Appeals & Admissions



For admission appeals please complete the online appeal form. For appeal enquiries please contact Jayne Adamson at The Streetly Academy.


Click here for our online appeal form




Admissions Criteria 2025-26


If there are more applications than there are places available, then places will be awarded on the Over-subscription Criteria set out below in the order in which they will be applied:

1.  Children in Public Care (Looked after children and previously looked after children). This also includes children who have been in state care outside of England.​

Definition: ‘Looked after Child’ or a child who was previously looked after, but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangements or special guardianship order.  A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of the Local Authority, or (b) being  provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services function (see the definition  section 22(1) of the Children’s Act 1989).

Definition: “A child is regarded as having been in state care outside of England if they were in the care of or were accommodated by a public authority, a religious organisation, or any other provider of care whose sole or main purpose is to benefit society”.

2.  Where a child has a sibling attending the Academy in years 7 to 10 when the application is made and who will be still attending the Academy at the proposed admission date.

3.  Children of Staff employed at The Academy

Where a member of staff has been employed at The Academy for two or more years (**) at the time at which the application for admission is made/or the member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.

  • ** All full time teaching staff
  • All full time support staff – defined as those on a 37 week and above contract
  • All part time teaching staff with a 45% and above timetable
  • All part time support staff who work at least 6 hours per week for 27 weeks or more. 

The definition does not include contract staff.  If service has been ‘in house’ and is subsequently ‘contracted out’ children of staff will no longer be eligible for priority admission under this criterion.

The definition does not include peripatetic staff

4.  Where the child is attending one of the following named feeder primary schools and lives within 2.5 miles of the Streetly Academy, as measured in a straight line from the centre point of the home address to the centre point of the Academy address using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system:

  •       Blackwood Primary School, Blackwood Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield.
  •       Lindens Primary School, Hundred Acre Road, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield.
  •       Manor Primary School, Briar Avenue, Streetly, Sutton Coldfield.

5.  Proximity of the Child's home to the Academy, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority, the distance being measured in a straight line from the centre point of the home address to the centre point of the Academy address using the Local Authority’s computerised measuring system. 

Where any of the above criteria is oversubscribed, priority will be given to the applicant living closest to the Academy as set out in criterion 5.


Coordinated admission arrangements apply to ourselves and neighbouring Authorities. Therefore applications for Year 7 entry in September 2023 must be made to the Local Authority in which the applicant resides, using the form supplied by them.

Applications for places in other year groups should be made direct to the The Streetly Academy.


Children allocated places at The Streetly Academy will be invited to spend a day with us in the summer term of 2023.


Walsall Council will offer places, as part of the coordinated admission arrangements. Parents will be asked to confirm their acceptance.

  • During March 2023 parents of the 2023 Year 7 intake will be offered and asked to confirm their acceptance of places.
  • Should it not be possible to find places for all applicants parents may ask to place their child on an active waiting list.  The waiting list for places in Year 7 commencing September 2023 will be held by Walsall Council, Admissions Department.
  • If you do not obtain a place you may lodge an appeal. This should be done on-line via the link above.  Appeals places in year 7 September 2023 will be heard in June 2023.

Help & Advice

  • Unless stated otherwise, the information in the Academy prospectus refers to the current academic year and is correct at the time of publication.
  • An induction pack will be provided at the time of admission.
  • In the meantime, for further help and advice with regard to Admissions, please contact the Academy and ask for Miss V Hurdman.

In-year Appeals & Applications

In-year Applications

The Streetly Academy coordinates all in-year applications.  To apply for an in-year place in any year group, in the first instance please contact the Academy on 0121 353 2709 extension 124 or via the contact form on the school website. 

Waiting lists are formed at the start of each academic year and are retained for that year only.  Applications are ranked in admission criteria order, for all over-subscribed year groups.  Vacancies will be offered on the basis of the published admission criteria of the School.  Parents may enquire about their child’s position on the waiting list by contacting the Academy directly on 0121 353 2709 extension 124.

In-year Appeals  

If an application for admission is refused there is a right of appeal to an independent admission appeal panel. The applicant will be advised why admission was refused and will be provided with information about the right to appeal. 

To discuss appeals please call 0121 580 7658 or complete the online appeal form, which  can be found above.  

Page Downloads

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Streetly Admissions Policy 2025 26 FINAL 20th Dec 2023 Download

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